Who even Needs New Year’s Resolutions?





Meet Aaliyah

Aaliyah is a Jamaican 20 something who is interested in all things fun, edifying, entertaining and stylish. She grew up in Montego Bay, St. James then left the second city at age 19 to attend the University of the West Indies where she studied Journalism. While trying to find her footing in a new space she learned many life skills and lessons that she is always eager to share in a bid to help others who have similar encounters. When she is not documenting her experiences navigating these 20 somethings, she spends her time like any average young girl – working, watching Netflix, shopping for unnecessary household items and trying to keep it all together.

Who even Needs New Year’s Resolutions?

Who needs New Year’s resolutions?

Well, maybe we all do. Now, before we start debating on whether the 1st of January is supposed to magically make you a new person, let me say this – for many years I believed that there was no point in making New Year’s resolutions because we can start making changes whenever but, for all those times, I lacked direction for the better part of the year and constantly felt like I was playing catch-up. Looking back, I often wonder how much differently my life would be if I had set out my resolutions and worked relentlessly to stick to them. So this year I am deciding to give it a shot. I mean, what do I have to lose?

Who needs New Year's Resolutions.

Why Resolutions are Important

On the 1st of January we get to hit the proverbial ‘reset button’. We feel like we have been given a fresh start. And with this, we can now become who we truly desire to be. It is almost as if we have been given a blank slate and we are now able to write our own story.

The resolutions that we make at the beginning of the year are what will help us to constantly make the best decisions to keep us on the right path to achieving the bigger goal. Setting resolutions is a good way to help you focus on what’s important to you. When things get too rough, you can always look back and refocus and continue to attack life. If we want to change or improve our lives, it is very important that we lay out exactly what it is that we want to change and the steps we will take. New Year’s resolutions are a great place to start.

How to Stick to Your Resolutions

One major issue with New Year’s Resolutions is how seemingly difficult they are to stick to. I am by no means an expert in consistency or commitment but in an effort to try to do better and be better I’ll be taking the following steps to stick to my resolutions.

  1. Setting Doable Resolutions
  2. The reality, sometimes we make resolutions that are impossible to stick to. They might be too grand and not SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-based). So carefully think about your resolutions and how you would be able to achieve them. You can also break out your big goals into smaller steps that are easier to accomplish.

  3. Trust the Process
  4. It’s very easy to just through in the towel when you feel things are not coming together as quickly as they should. I have been guilty of this. Accomplishing any goal is not easy. It takes hard work, consistency, and a whole lot of perseverance. If we give up half way through the journey, then we will never make it to the destination. So much awaits us if we appreciate the journey, be patient and just keep going.

  5. Reward Yourself
  6. No, I don’t mean eating several tubs of ice-cream especially if your resolution was to stick to a diet. But celebrate your progress and milestones. This will do wonders for your confidence and encourage you to keep pushing. Just ensure your reward aligns with your resolution.

Get your note pad ready guys.

My New Year’s Resolutions

It’s only fair that I share some of my resolutions with you. While a few have been left off the list, these are the ones that you can adopt if you want to come on this journey with me. I am hoping that sharing them with you will help to keep me accountable.

  1. Learn a New Skill
  2. 2022 is the year of self-improvement/ development. One sure way of this is to learn or hone a new skill. With access to several free online courses and platforms such as YouTube, this can be done from the comfort of my home. I’m considering something that I can eventually profit from.

  3. Take more trips with family and friends
  4. If 2021 has taught me anything, it’s that life is short and unpredictable. For the New Year, I want to be more deliberate in spending quality time with my loves ones creating memories and learning more about each other.

  5. Take Frequent Social Media Breaks
  6. With lockdowns, no-movement days and curfews, I have been spending a lot of time scrolling the timeline, watching TikTok videos and refreshing my Instagram. For 2022, I look forward to deleting the social apps for a while and investing that time into some other leisure activities like reading or learning a new language.

  7. Exercise Frequently and Stick to a Proper Diet
  8. As I draw closer to my late twenties, health and fitness are becoming major priorities for me. So, it is imperative that I start making the best lifestyle decisions and changes to ensure that I get and keep my body in good shape.

  9. Build and Stick to a better Budget
  10. The older I get, the more I see the need for proper budgeting. This resolution is key to me achieving the bigger goal of financial freedom. For 2022, it is imperative that I create and stick to a proper budget that allows me to save and invest more as well as eliminate unnecessary spending.

Happy New Year when it comes!

If this post has inspired you to create your own New Year’s resolutions then feel free to reach out to me and share them! Looking forward to hearing from you.

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