To Post or Not To Post- That Is the Question ( A Two Part Series)

Part 1: Five Reasons to Keep Your Relationship Private






πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎ perfectly said. Sometimes we need to just keep things private.


This is very good, keep on posting



Meet Aaliyah

Aaliyah is a Jamaican 20 something who is interested in all things fun, edifying, entertaining and stylish. She grew up in Montego Bay, St. James then left the second city at age 19 to attend the University of the West Indies where she studied Journalism. While trying to find her footing in a new space she learned many life skills and lessons that she is always eager to share in a bid to help others who have similar encounters. When she is not documenting her experiences navigating these 20 somethings, she spends her time like any average young girl – working, watching Netflix, shopping for unnecessary household items and trying to keep it all together.

To Post or Not To Post: That Is the Question (A Two Part Series)

Part 1: Five Reasons to Keep Your Relationship Private

Recently, I asked my followers on Instagram if they would be sharing photos of their significant other(s) on their social pages for Valentine's Day. There were many different responses; some were down for it, while others feared 'embarrassment' of some sort. Others prefer to wait for marriage to show off the love of their life.

However, this question was drawn from an even bigger topic: privacy in your relationship. Ever heard the saying, "a private life is a happy life"? Well, when it comes on to relationships, from my experience, I can say this is absolutely true. Sharing too much on social media, with friends, and even with family can cause all sorts of issues and unnecessary drama. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying your relationship should be a secret or that you should bottle everything in. But some details, experiences, memories, and moments should definitely be kept between just you and your partner.

I have, of course, been guilty of oversharing, and boy do I have endless stories as to why I would never do it again. While I have never had anybody coming to me as a woman(and I'm praying I don't jinx it), I have suffered through countless rumors about myself, less than pleasant exes, not so happy friends, and a whole lot of pressure to present my relationship as perfect. Certainly, if I knew back then what I know now, I'd probably never drop a pic on the gram. But, we live and learn, and sometimes we learn the hard way.

Whichever side of the fence you are on the subject is perfectly okay. You are certainly allowed to make whatever choices and decisions you believe are best for you and your situation. Still, with that being said, I'll share some reasons I think it might be best to keep your relationship private.

Not Everyone Is Happy For You

It is very easy to get swept up in your romantic relationship or any relationship at all, that you don't stop to realize that not everyone around you is sharing that same joy. Though very little thought should be given to what people think or feel about you doing what makes you happy, it is still important to recognize this. Some people will genuinely try to cause problems in hopes of ruining or destroying your union. So, it might be best to not give them a lot to work with by enjoying your love in private.

Outsiders Don't Get To Have an Opinion.

Sharing the details of your relationship can serve as an invitation for plenty of unnecessary criticism and opinions from others. If you have worries or concerns, it is best to talk them through with close friends, family, or advisors who you are confident have your best interest at heart.

Less Scrutiny or Pressure on the Relationship

In the world of '#couplegoals' and 'God, I see what you have done for others,' public relationships come under a lot of scrutiny. The more you share, the more people seem to idolize your union. Suddenly, you become a benchmark for love or what the perfect relationship looks like. Sometimes without even knowing, you begin to aim to live up to those expectations and, in the process, lose track of what is really important. I have certainly been there, and to be extremely candid, I tried to keep up, but it is extremely draining and does absolutely nothing for the union. No relationship is perfect, and it is definitely not worth the stress to pretend to be.

Breaking-up Is Easier To Do

I may be wrong, but I don't think we talk about this enough. When many love and adore a relationship, there can be so much pressure to make it work or stay together. Some couples do so simply because they don't want people to believe they were unhappy and putting on a show or that the relationship just was not as good as it seemed. Oftentimes, people suffer through so much because others are so heavily involved in the union and they do not want to disappoint them. And, when you do part ways, or people suddenly see photos disappear from your social platforms, there are so many questions and chatter.

Maintaining privacy in your relationship helps make things like this easier since all you will have to consider is yourself and your partner.

You Enjoy the Moments and Strengthen the Bond

I recall when I wanted to share everything with all my friends and my partner – even having them tag along on dates. Somehow it made so much sense to me, but then I realized that we did not have much alone time together to really get to know each other or share memorable experiences. Then with social media, sometimes we neglect to enjoy the moments to ensure we get the perfect posts. Finding that balance and understanding what and when to share is important and can help strengthen the bond and create more wholesome memories.

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